Title: Midnight Whispers Author: Nora [remember_nomore/simply_shiny] Pairing: Eve, Darla, Lindsey Rating: PG Prompt: 12 - Grey Word Count: 1263 Authors Note: No idea where the surreal-ness came from, I don’t argue with my muse; I know better. Note: I think my mind is playing tricks on me or telling me that I don’t play Eve too much anymore. Who knows. Started writing and
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Title: Hostage Author: Nora [remember_nomore/simply_shiny] Pairing: Justine Rating: PG-13 Prompt: 71 - Broken Word Count: 376 Authors Note: Never wrote Justine before, not sure where this came from. Again, I blame Meg.
Title: Undone Author: Nora [remember_nomore/simply_shiny] Pairing: Darla/Lindsey Rating: R Prompt: 34 - Not Enough Word Count: 722 Authors Note: I hate Darla/Lindsey, but I love Meg more. So here we go…
Title: Void Author: Nora [remember_nomore/simply_shiny] Pairing: Lindsey, Angel Rating: PG-R Prompt: 55 - Spirit Word Count: 682 Authors Note: Who knows what crack I’m on when I fly and I write this. Meg gave me the prompt and pairing…This is what my head came out with.
14 - black Lilah/Faith PG-13/Rish Word Count: 1354 Megan made me do it! I don’t write Faith. I never claimed to write her. There’s only one person I know [knew] that could write her and that’s not me.